Maven security plugins

There are two great plugins that help you make your applications built in Maven more secure. I have recently added them to some projects at work and it seems to work quite well.


You may have heard about Findbugs, it looks for bugs in Java programs. It is based on the concept of bug patterns. A bug pattern is a code idiom that is often an error.

FindbugsSec is a security plugin for Findbugs, it can detect 80 different vulnerability types with over 200 unique signatures.

Just add it to your pom.xml like this


OWASP dependency check

OWASP is the Open Web Application Security Project, an organization focused on improving the security of software. Dependency Check is one of their security plugins, it identifies project dependencies and checks if there are any known, publicly disclosed, vulnerabilities.


Build profile

As both plugins have quite a long runtime, it's best to add them to a dedicated build profile, that can run in a continuous integration environment like Bamboo or Jenkins.

        Only to be run within the CI environment, as these plugins are really slow.
                identifies project dependencies and checks if there are any known, publicly disclosed,
                 Looks for bugs in Java programs. It is based on the concept of bug patterns.
                 A bug pattern is a code idiom that is often an error.
                            Can detect 80 different vulnerability types with over 200 unique signatures.

The plugins are bound to the validate phase, so you might want to run your build like this

mvn clean package -Psecurity

Configuration and fixing issues


You can set the threshold and effort attributes to modify the search results. A good idea might be to leave the settings like this, and let the build only break for severe issues. Later on you might lower the threshold in order to find more issues with a lower severity.

Findbugs comes with a graphical user interface that can be started via Maven like this

mvn findbugs:gui

OWASP dependency check

If the plugin finds any security issues in your dependencies, the build will break and you will be given a list of CVE-IDs (common vulnerabilities and exposures), for example CVE-2015-4335.

There are some great resources with infos on these issues, like the National Cyber Awareness System or MITRE. There you'll find which versions are affected by the vulnerability, so you can update your pom.xml accordingly.

If you don't know which dependency includes the affected package, try finding it by grepping the Maven dependency tree.